Windows + Linux = WSL

I still remembered the song “pineapple”, the singer is a wired middle age man, looks like this: Today, what I wanna talk about is similar to “pineapple”. It’s called “WSL”.

what is WSL?

WSL is an abbr for windows subsystem for linux, where you can run linux on windows like an app.

How does it work?

very simple!

  1. run windows store , find ubuntu and install it.
  2. check the wsl option in turn windows feature on or off
    • you need to restart you computer after check it.
  3. run ubuntu as your application, all commands are same.

Where is GUI?

Sorry, by default, it is only a kernal system. So, basicly you have to run with commands. But there is a workaround: Xming. You can find detail here . I only tried two steps: install ‘Xming’ and setting display export DISPLAY=:0 . Then I did successfully run Geany with GUI! Don’t tell me you don’t know how to run app on consoler.

Existing Problem

I tried install program by sanpd, but it awalys showed me error message.

Who can try it

If you like both Linux and windows, WSL gives you a opportunity to waive the dual booting problem. You can aslo access windows drivers under /mnt/.

Have fun!

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