Simple way to create Gantt chart for Azure Devops through power BI

usually we use Gantt chart to track the project progress, take the picture blew for example, the dark part means completed, the light part means waiting for being done.

To reach this result, there are two solutions. The steps in azure devops are same for both solutions.

  • Add start date and end date for each tasks. The Admin can change the layout to make these two fields visible on edit page, but I can only change them in backlogs
  • Add Efforts information: estimate time, already done and left hours. The picture blow shows I have done 80% ‘s workload.
  • Create a view for listing all user stories and tasks. ( one time effort for extracting the data)

Power BI steps:

after imported, you will find gantt chart
  • Import data through “Get Data- More – Online Service – Azure Devops(beta)”, then choose the view you created in Devops.
  • set the Task, start date, end date, % complete for Gantt chat.

2 responses to “Simple way to create Gantt chart for Azure Devops through power BI”

  1. AA Avatar

    Hey – I am trying to replicate this for my current project using Azure DevOps – Power BI

    Is there a way to make the Epic form Azure devops the Parent and Feature the Task?

    1. Jerry Avatar

      Not sure if I clearly understand your question.

      Create a view which is basically query and the Gantt 2.3.2 Visual/widget installed in your PBI Desktop. Once the fields defined in the view are transferred from ADP to PBI Desktop, then you can use the Gantt visual to display all work item data transferred from ADO to PBI Desktop.

      There is a Parent ID field in ADO View and the Parent ID is based on the link info which you cannot change outside of ADO. Feel free to text 310-902-3389 since most likely I am not following your questions..

      I found helpful YouTube videos and mucked my journey of learning ADO and PBI Desktop for Gantt 2.3.2

      Good luck

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