MPI non-blocking receiving with OpenMP

A simple prototype

  1. In the cluster, a Master – Slave structure set up. Master node responses to send the task to slave nodes and regularly check the status of all slave nodes(busy or idle). Salve nodes response to split task from master into sub tasks running with multi-threads.
  2. Master node assigns tasks by iterating each row of the first column in the lattice. If all slave nodes are busy, master will waiting for feedback from slave nodes, otherwise master node will send the new task to the idle slave node.
  3. Master node uses non-blocking method(Irecv) to get the feedback from slave node. So that master node is able to check status of all slave nodes as well as receive feedback.
  4. Slave node splits task into subtask by iterating each row of the second column in the lattice, which is running in a dynamic schedule looping. So that each thread can keep busy all time.

Non-blocking MPI

pool[node] is used to record working slave nodes, wait[node] is used to record if MPI_Irecv is running for the working slave node. Then use MPI_Request_get_status to check the status of request.

            //receive result from slave nodes
            for(int node=0; node < (num_nodes-1); node++){
                        MPI_Irecv(&node_solution[node], 1, MPI_INT, node+1, TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rq[node]);

//                         printf("rec by node %d: %d - %d \n",row,node+1,node_solution[node]);
                        total_solution += node_solution[node];

How to complie

compile with openmp: mpic++ -fopenmp NQ-MPI.cpp -o NQ
run in mpi: mpirun -np 5 --host arch06,arch07,arch04,arch05,arch08 ./NQ

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