Data Factory CI/CD in Azure DevOps

Azure Pipeline is consist of two parts: pipeline and release. They represent
CI and CD separately.

  1. Build Pipeline – to build and test the code. The build creates an artifact that’s used by the rest of your pipeline to run tasks such as deploying to staging or production. 
  2. Release Pipeline – once the code is updated, built and packaged, it can be deployed to target services using Release Pipelines. 
top half: CI pipeline; down half: CD pipeline

Let’s talk about how to implement this process for Azure data factory. Before you start, I suppose your current ADF has matched these requirements (if not, please refer to here):

  • You already have a Azure Repos.
  • ADF is integrated with this Git Repos.
  • A key Vault. which is used for storing database and datalake connection information, plus all configuration parameters for release.

The whole ADF CI/CD pipeline is like this:

Building Pipeline (CI)

  • Create new pipeline, choose “adf_publish” for default branch
    • “adf_publish” branch is created by ADF automatically, after you click “publish” in your ADF GUI.
the three json files are used to set parameters in the different environments
  • Add new Agent job
  • search for “Data factory”, add a new publish artifacts
    • set the path to publish(git path)
    • set artifact publish location as Azure pipelines

Release Pipeline (CD)

left part: CI right part: CD

So next step is deploying artifact into three environments: DEV, QA and PROD.

use key vault to set sQL Server in pipeline
  • Import Azure Key Vault. where you stored all the connection information. We would use these information in two areas.
    • Release pipeline: get the basic information in each environment, e.g, database name, data lake name, etc. see the screenshot above.
    • template parameters used in adf_publish.
  • Set the Datafactory.
    • Add a “Azure Resource group deployment”. where we need to focus one the template path.
we have to set the ARM template and parameters which point to adf_publish branch

You can also add trigger stop and start before and end of data factory job.

# stop trigger, you have to add variables for each release environment
$triggersADF = Get-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -DataFactoryName $(DataFactoryName) -ResourceGroupName $(ResourceGroupName)

$triggersADF | ForEach-Object { Stop-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -ResourceGroupName $(ResourceGroupName) -DataFactoryName $(DataFactoryName) -Name $ -Force }
# end trigger
$triggersADF = Get-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -DataFactoryName $(DataFactoryName) -ResourceGroupName $(ResourceGroupName)

$triggersADF | ForEach-Object { Start-AzDataFactoryV2Trigger -ResourceGroupName $(ResourceGroupName) -DataFactoryName $(DataFactoryName) -Name $ -Force }
Stop trigger is mandatory for releasing ADF.
  • How to set up adf_publish
    • go back to azure repos.
    • switch to adf_publish.
    • create corresponding ARM parameter template for each environment. You can find an example blew.
the three json files are used to set parameters in the different environments
	"$schema": "",
	"contentVersion": "",
	"parameters": {
		"factoryName": {
			"value": "datafactory name"
		"LS_AKV_KeyVault_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl": {
			"value": ""
		"LS_SQL_ConfigDb_properties_typeProperties_connectionString_secretName": {
			"value": "sqlconnection"
		"LS_DLS_Datalake_properties_typeProperties_url": {
			"value": ""

These three parameters are used for dynamic linked service. These three parameters are defined in ARMTemplateForFactory, and set the value in each seprated Json files. To define the parameters, you have to first go to “Parameterization template” table and edit it.

Here is an example that I defined a linkedservice for AzureKey Vault. for more information please refer to :

If we need enable Continuous deployment trigger , we have to link with adf_publish branch as well.

click the little logo in release pipeline page.
set to adf_publish


Azure DevOps Pipelines.

Continuous integration and delivery in Azure Data Factory.

Use Azure Key Vault to pass secure parameter value during deployment.

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