ADF tends to replace SSIS

Essentially, ADF(Azure Data Factory) only takes responsibility of Extraction and Load in the ELT pipeline. Then we have to use another tool, like databrick to write jupyter notebook to manipulate dataframe or RDD to complete transform activities. However, as Microsoft launched data “Data Flow” in ADF, it becomes more and more similar to SSIS. Most of ETL work can be done in ADF with nicely and friendly GUI. For ETL stuff, I copied a cheat sheet comparing the dataflows between ADF and SSIS. It maybe helpful.

Surprisingly, ADF didn’t provide SCD(slowing changing Dimension). You have to manually work on it. It won’t be hard although. Just set up some start and end time. Here is the article about it.

Anyway, for me. I like this way to complete some simple but repeatable actives with GUI, and let some complex operations in databrick.

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